Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Are you on the List?

Since last week I spoke about how beaten down my body is and how athletes are always pretty much broken, I thought this week would be a great time to give a shout out to those in charge of constantly fixing us. You would think, being that I am a college student “in the prime of my life” that I spend most of my life socializing at parties, drinking at bars, or maybe even being a good student in the library. Nope, I spend the majority of my free time in the athletic training room, with the people who are responsible for maintaining my physical health. 
Now this may not be true for every athlete here at Flagler, seeing as how I am definitely injury prone, I spend a lot more time in the training room than most. There are others like me, everyone knows who you are because as they walk into the training room you are already hooked up to a machine, getting ice, or being poked and prodded at by one of our three trainers. The trainers joke about who wins the award for most time spent with them. (I’ve been told I’m the 2011 winner. Thank you, thank you.) 
But even if you’re not an unlucky injury prone person like me, you’ll find yourself in the training room every so often. The newbies are the most fun to watch, worried about what injury they might have, confused about what a stem machine is. Then there are the regulars who know are probably doing leftover homework, gossiping and helping the trainers set up the machines we know all too well.
It may sound sad but I have a lot to thank the training room for; it’s made me better when I was sure I might never play again, it’s full of people who really know what they’re doing and because I spent up to three hours a day, every day of my freshman year in that room it’s actually helped me make a lot of the friends I have. The training room is like the athlete’s own little club house. 

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