Tuesday, February 26, 2013

That Feeling

I know for a few weeks now I’ve been talking about the hard times and the terrors of being a student athlete and all of it has been true. There are times when being an athlete is so frustrating I want to pull out my hair and scream. I know everyone must be asking themselves “Then why do you do it? Why not just quit?” Trust me, I ask myself that a lot, I’ve thought about the answer long and hard. Although it’s something that isn’t easy to describe, I’m going to do my best. 
It’s hard to explain because it’s a feeling, the best most wonderful unexplainable feeling in the world. The glory of winning, the confidence of running out to the field, the laughter you share with some of the best friends you will ever make. Playing a sport isn’t easy, you work non-stop, always breaking your body down, constantly tired but you do it for this feeling. The bragging rights after you’ve won a championship, you walk a little taller, smile more often and the world is just a little better. 
It’s honestly memories I’ll hold onto forever, the best one I have being the time my high school team won the New Jersey State Championship. It was the first time in the history of Indian Hills softball history that our team ever even made it to the finals, let alone won it. I was lucky enough to be the pitcher for this wonderful team and even more lucky to be the one up to the plate in the bottom of the seventh inning in a 0-0 game, bases loaded. The most nervous I have ever been and probably will ever be in my life. I had a full count after fouling several pitches off and watching balls go by. The pitch came in... Ball four. I sprinted down the first bases line, touched the first base bag and turned to see my whole team running towards me. Dog pile. It was the happiest moment in my life. 
Some people ask me why I play a sport in college, being that it’s so hard and time consuming. I answer them with this; no matter how hard it gets, no matter how beat down, sore or exhausted I feel, none of the bad will ever out weight the good, the great, the fantastic, unexplainable feeling of winning for your team. 

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